Sunday, February 8, 2015

Welcome to My Blog

Welcome to the El T.rex Loco. This is a blog that will dedicated to the passions of its author which will mainly consists of paleontology, vertebrate zoology particularly herpetology, and art. Art probably seems to be a little unrelated and perhaps in a future date I will create another blog with the sole dedication to art, mainly my own.
I have loved paleontology, vertebrate zoology, and art for as long as I can remember. My mother could tell you stories... My interests in all things cool has matured with me which is contrary to the hopes of my mother. Mothers of folks like me hope that their eccentric son would "grow-out" of their eccentric interests, my mother is not alone. I think that they hope their son will become something normal and dignified like an engineer or something. I can imagine a motherly get together and all the mothers are bragging about their sons and the oodles of money that they are making, then they ask a mother who is quietly listening, what her son does. Answer "he studies squids." Though, I must admit that studying squids sounds like fun.
My interest in art, I believe, has grown out of my efforts to my portray interests, coupled with the my natural talents that I have inherited from my father. My father has a background in art. Some of my favorite artist include Rembrandt, Charles M. Russell, Robert Bateman, and an assortment of Paleo-artist.
 So in this blog I will be discussing things that I am learning, information that I may want to share, and drawings and paintings that I have done. I want to stay somewhat scientific. It will be a discipline of mine to write often. Bogs often get started and then they soon are forgotten by there authors. I am looking forward to writing this blog for it will give me opportunities to "talk" about things that the normal person may find somewhat interesting but will soon loose interest. If a reader gets bored then they can just "log-off."
Well there is that for now. I hope that you will enjoy.

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