Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Stomach Eversion in Sharks

An illness is going through our family lately and a few of the younger members of the household have rapidly eject their gastric contents several times. I haven't done that for several years now and hope to keep it that way. But do you know what is probably the first thing that I think when someone rapidly eject their gastric contents? "I sure hope this will be easy to clean-up..." but after that I do some more considerate thinking, "you know, when sharks throw-up they regurgitate their stomachs as well." Sometimes I speak my mind but few are amused, particularly the sick person. 

But anyways, sharks and "stomach eversion," as it is properly called, has been on my mind today and I thought I might share with you an intriguing video of stomach eversion in action. Below is a rather fascinating video of a short fin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) regurgitating its own stomach. Why they regurgitate their stomach will have to be for a future post but for now enjoy the video and maybe do some research on your own, it will give you something interesting to think about when you are under the weather.

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