Monday, March 2, 2015

Why Paleontology is Awesome!

Awesome is a good word. One that has a lot power. However, it is a word that is often overused. Anything that is cool, interesting, or beneficial is awesome and the result is either exhaustion from an overuse of emphasis or awesome loses its power and meaning.  I do not use it often. When I say that something is awesome I want it to be for something that is awesome! Paleontology is awesome!

Many people do not have a strong interest in paleontology. Within pop culture, Dino enthusiasts are limited to little boys. Those who are not little boys with a serious interest in paleontology are far and few between. There is an epidemic ignorance of the extinct creatures that once roamed the earth. It is embarrassing. Everything is a T. rex even if it walks on four legs and is covered in fur.

For the next couple of posts I will be giving reasons why Paleontology is AWESOME! From giant snakes to gorilla-horses, so stay tuned.

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